
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Terra Nova: Within (Season 1 - Episode 10)

Centers on the Shannons, an ordinary family from 2149 when the planet is dying who are transported back 85 million years to prehistoric Earth where they join Terra Nova, a colony of humans with a second chance to build a civilization.

Jim and Taylor confront Skye as the Sixer mole, though she claims her only motive was to save her mother, not betray the colony, nor did she ever provide vital information to Mira. Skye warns them that Lucas has successfully completed his calculations to reverse the time portal, and that his 2149 employers will invade and exploit Terra Nova. Taylor, expecting a full-on attack with the 11th pilgrimage's arrival in a few days, begins planning Terra Nova's defense. Skye is reunited with her mother after Taylor ordered Curran, the banished soldier who infiltrated Mira's camp, to rescue her from the Sixers. Terra Nova's medical staff is optimistic that her condition will improve once they synthesize the medication the Sixers were using to keep her alive.


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